Returns & Refund
Our return policy lasts exactly 30 days. If 30 days have passed since your purchase, we can’t provide an exchange or refund.
In order to use your right to return the goods, your item must be unused and in the exactly same condition when you have received it. In addition, it must be in its original packaging.
In order to proceed with the return, you must provide a receipt or other proof of purchase.
Please, don’t contact or return your purchase back to the manufacturer.
On the other hand, any item that is returned 30 or more days after delivery and any damaged item or item that has missing parts not due to our error or item that is not in its original condition will not be accepted.
Refunds (in cases where they are applicable)
Once we receive and inspect your return, we will inform you via email that your returned item is received. In addition, we will notify you whether your refund is approved or rejected.
In case you are approved, then your refund will be processed immediately and you should get the credit on your credit card or other method of payment within a certain period of time.
Late or missing refunds (in cases where they are applicable)
In case you have not received a refund, please be sure to check your bank account one more time.
After that, contact your credit card issuer because it may take a certain period of time before the refund is officially posted.
Next, contact your bank. They too need some processing time before your refund becomes available.
In case you’ve finished all these steps and you still don’t see the refund, contact us at [email protected]
Sales items (if applicable)
Sale items cannot be refunded; we provide refund for regular priced items.
Exchanges (if applicable)
We replace items only in cases when they are damaged or defective. In case you want to exchange it for the same item, please send us an email at [email protected] and we will send you the exact address where you should return the item.
It is your responsibility to pay for your own shipping costs when you return the item. Shipping costs are non-refundable in any case. If you get a refund, the cost of return shipping will be taken off from the refund.
Depending on your location, the time needed for your exchanged product to arrive, may vary.
In case you are shipping an item worth more than $50, it is highly recommended to use a trackable shipping service or acquiring shipping insurance. We cannot guarantee that we will receive your returned item.